Third Grade Tracks, Oct. 12th

Good morning- Wow, I can’t believe that 1-week from today, the first nine weeks will be complete.  I am so proud of each of my students in all that they have worked on.  Next week is going to be a fast and furious week!  Here are some things in a nutshell:  Monday the 12th- Columbus Holiday, Wednesday the 14th- Read-in for students, Thursday the 15th, Mrs. Hidalgo will be off campus, Friday the 16th- End of the first 9-weeks and our Honey Creek Field trip.

Thank you to all of you who have volunteered your time to chaperone or run the stations at Honey Creek! This field trip wouldn’t be possible without our volunteers.  I look forward to seeing many of you on Friday. An informational note went home with your child yesterday.  Click on classroom news to see information for students on the field trip.

Don’t forget, Third Grade Tracks is posted under Classroom News!  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Everyone have a fabulous, 3-day weekend!  I will see you on Tuesday!


Mrs. Hidalgo

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