Third Grade Tracks, Nov. 2nd

Good morning Parents,

It’s a wet, rainy Friday!  Thank you to all of you for the wonderful birthday wishes!  It may be rainy and wet, but we are having a great time indoors!

What a fun week we have had!  Red Ribbon week has proved to be a fun one…. thank you to all of you who participated fully in the fun activities.  I heard that crazy hair day proved to be crazy!!!!

I am looking forward to meeting all of you at conferences this next week!  It is exciting to be able to share all the hard-work your child is doing in 3rd grade.  Please let me know if you are unable to make your conference and we can reschedule as soon as possible.

Here are a few of the upcoming events in 3rd grade:  Early Dismissal- Parent/Teacher Conferences (Nov. 3rd-4th), Nov. 6th- Reading Benchmark, Nov. 10th- Huebner Annual Day of Play (information went home Wednesday).

Please let me know if you have any questions! Don’t forget to click on Classroom News to see the Third Grade Tracks in it’s entirety.

Have a safe weekend, be careful out there!


Mrs. Hidalgo

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