Third Grade Tracks, November 9th

Good morning Parents, the Third Grade Tracks is ready to view under classroom news!  Wow, what a fast and furious week but with some amazing conversation! Thank you to all of you for coming out and sharing your time with me so we could discuss all of the Glows your child has.  It was wonderful to hear your perspective on your child’s 3rd grade year!

Another big THANK YOU to all of you for making my birthday a special one!  It was a soggy, wet day but the students and many others made it a special day for me.  A big thank you to Mrs. Sugrue for organizing a special treat for the class and going to pick up my Mom who was visiting from Iowa so she could enjoy and meet my class.  My Mom loved it and truly enjoyed being able to come visit!  I loved my special gifts and all that came with my day! I look forward to pampering myself at Folawn’s!  Your kind words, flowers, cards and all that came with my special day are so generous but best of all, I loved spending the day with my 3rd graders.

Here are a few things to keep note of:

  • Day of play is Tuesday- if you are unable to come at the time assigned to your last name, please find another time that will work.  Hope to see you Tuesday evening!
  • Nov. 12th- Math Benchmark, remember to get a good night’s rest and eat a good breakfast!
  • Practice your multiplication and division problems
  • We are in need of pencils!  Please ask your child if they need pencils, we seem to be running short on them.

I hope you have a great weekend!  Looks like it is a cool and soggy  weekend ahead!

Mrs. Hidalgo

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