Third Grade Tracks, Nov. 16th

Good Morning, I hope that you have had a wonderful week!  It was another busy one for us!

Day of Play was on Tuesday!  Thank you to those who took the time out of your busy schedule to come out and join in a night of play.  I think everyone enjoyed themselves!

Wednesday we had a beautiful ceremony in honor of our Veterans! Again, thank you to those of you who came to celebrate with us.  We all appreciate your honor and dedication to our country.

Thursday was Math Benchmark day!  I am sure by now your child has come home and shared how they did.  If they didn’t no worries, it is just a tool to help them and myself find where we need to focus and work.  It definitely was not an easy test but they all worked very hard!

Today we will have a Turkey Trot @ 1:50.  We will walk around the school in honor of getting fit and staying fit.  The students will earn a spirit stick for their fitness walk.

Go to Classroom News to find out happenings coming up next week!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!  It’s getting chilly so bundle up and stay warm!  Have a great weekend, relax and enjoy.


Mrs. Hidalgo


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