Third Grade Tracks, Nov. 30th

Good morning!  It is hard to believe our Thanksgiving holiday is upon us.  The 2nd 9-weeks is flying by!  It has been an awesome week learning about equal groups, studying our multiplication facts, writing about personal experiences, and looking at how energy produces so many things.

As you know, next week is a holiday and the school will not be open.  The week we return, Dec. 4th, 6-week progress reports will be distributed.  If you have an opportunity, over the holiday, look through the binder, return any work your child may have that is below a 70. We have 3 more weeks in this 9-week grading period.

Click on classroom news to view the Third Grade Tracks!  I have also added the Rumor (math strategies) and the Reading Strategy information to this page for future use.  A note is going home today and in the newsletter there is a reminder to bring a flashlight to school on Monday, Nov. 30th.  We will be using this flashlight in Science.

I hope everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving week!  Relax, have fun, and enjoy your time with family. For those traveling to other places, safe travels to you and your family.


Mrs. Hidalgo

1 Comment

  1. I forgot the most important part of the message today! Our class earned a Raising Cane’s party scheduled for Dec. 11th @ 1:45. The kids were very excited to hear that my name was entered in a drawing and it was a class party:) We are looking forward to Dec. 11th.


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