Third Grade Tracks, Dec. 7th

Wow, December and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us!  Mrs. Hidalgo hasn’t posted in so long, I almost forgot about the blog:)

I hope that you had a relaxing week of family time during the Thanksgiving break.  I enjoyed a visit from my sister and her family and just relaxing with my family. It was however, nice to get back into the routine of school and our busy schedule.

Here are a few things to note when you look at the Third Grade Tracks under classroom news:

  • Progress reports will go home today. Please sign and return it to school on Monday.  As always, check parent portal as you will be able to see any missing assignments or any new grades that have been put in since I graded.
  • The end of the 9-weeks is on December 18th.  So please remember, if your child has any papers to redo or that are below a 70 to work on those.  The final date for redo papers will December 16th.
  • Yesterday, December 3rd, your child came home with a permission slip for our Raising Canes celebration.  Thank you to those who have returned it! If you haven’t please do this by next Wednesday, Dec. 9th.
  • Our Winter Party will be on Dec. 18th- please be watching for more information coming home soon!

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!  It is beautiful weather right now, enjoy while you can!


Mrs. Hidalgo

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