Third Grade Tracks, Jan. 25th

Good Evening!  Wow, what a week this has been for me!  I feel very distant from what occurred in my classroom, yet I know I can share several things that did occur.

Your child began the week back in the library building a multi-media board through Discovery Education on their Natural Disaster!  They were in good hands with Mrs. Watts our librarian, the substitute, and Ms. Kate our Churchill helper.  They got to continue working on their project in the computer lab on Thursday.  Your child can even work on this project at home through their log-in.  Here is how:

  • They can access Discovery Education on the library resources page (swirly tree).
  • Login: Username: usual student login (for example…ewatts2689) / Password: nestudentid# (ne0992689)
  • To find their board…
    • Click on Board Builder (top of the page near the color wheel)
    • Find their board under My Boards
    • Hover over the board and click on the pencil icon in orange box. If they click on the board itself, it will take them to a preview of the board. They will need to click on the Edit button towards the top of the screen to get into editing mode.
    • When they are ready to turn in the board, they click on the blue share button towards the top of the page. This turns it in to Mrs. Hidalgo!
    • We will continue to work on the boards during computer lab this week!

I know the students continued to work diligently on Math and Reading skills in preparation for our benchmarks this Thursday and Friday!  They are going to do awesome and I know they will use their strategies and skills to their best!

Here are a few other reminders and upcoming events! Don’t forget to view the newsletter under classroom news.

  • Monday, January 25th- Mrs. Hidalgo will return to school but only be their 1/2 day.  I will be out all afternoon at a staff development workshop.
  • This week we will build in reading homework, however, I have left it optional to complete this, although it will be a 2-day process.  If your child needs the practice have them work on it in preparation for Friday’s reading benchmark.
  • Information will come home soon on Valentine’s Day exchange!  We will not have a party or any kind of special treats.  Students will be allowed to exchange a Valentine Card for every child in the classroom.  Mrs. Pierce will send an email with more information on this!
  • 3-week Progress Reports will go home on Feb. 5th!  Please be watching for grades or any concerns you may have as you receive papers back.  This Friday, January 29th your child will have their papers for the past two weeks!

I hope that you all have a restful weekend! I know I am slowly trying to get myself back into movement and being ready for long stretches of standing.  It has been a chore over this week but I am ready to be back in routine!

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns!


Mrs. Hidalgo

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