Third Grade Tracks, April 18th

What another amazing week of STAAR Academy!  We had 12 or more students enter the classroom each morning by 7:10 a.m.  Thank you for motivating and encouraging your child to join in the fun each morning!  We enjoyed Author/Illustrator, Jeff Mack on Tuesday. Thursday we enjoyed Art in the Classroom, learning about artist, Monet.  Thank you to Mrs. Baker and Mr. Rodriguez for your help with this event.  We couldn’t have these fun opportunities without you!  We will end the week with the movie Hercules, celebrating our Greek Mythology unit.

Be sure to visit the Third Grade Tracks and learn about all of the upcoming events:

  • We need your help!  As we learn about Fiesta and the San Antonio Culture, along with Cinco De Mayo, we are going to have an end of STAAR celebration with cascarones.  We are in need of egg shells and cartons so we can make these.  Go to “Classroom News” and watch the video to learn how you can help our class collect empty egg shells so we can make these. Our goal is 2 per student!
  • Continue to encourage your child to use their strategies on all homework.  If you need to, you can look at the Math and Reading Strategy documents under “Classroom News”.  As I tell the students, the more they use the strategies, the more the strategies become a habit!

I would like to share a proud moment I have had this week with our class.  On Wednesday evening I received an email from one of our parents, whose child only comes to our classroom occasionally, but eats lunch and comes to recess with us daily.  Since day one, my class has always included this child and ensured that this child is welcomed in our classroom on a daily basis.  Here is what the parent had to say about our class:

” THANK YOU for showing the children in your class that everyone matters and everyone has value.  And, thank your many moms and dads who have obviously worked hard to teach their children these lessons at home.  They should be very proud of their children, and you should be very proud of your class!  Thank you for leading this amazing group of kids, Mrs. Hildago.”
“And, wow!  The children in your class have gone out of their way to make my child feel special and a part of the class.  I’ve never seen such compassion and true love shown to my child by other children, other than our family members.  I am amazed and grateful, and want to thank YOU as the teacher for this, as well as the students.”

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!


Mrs. Hidalgo




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