Third Grade Tracks, November 7th-11th

What an amazing week, getting to share and discuss all the great things your children are doing in 3rd grade! Thank you to all of you have already conferenced. I look forward to finishing up conferences this next week.

Here are a few reminders for upcoming events and activities:

  • Students have the RUMOR and READING STRATEGIES in their binders for reference.  Please remind them to use them on all of their math and reading activities.
  • November 9th- Math Benchmark
  • November 10th- Reading Benchmark (PLEASE note:  I have a family emergency on that day and will be off campus. But I promise, your child will be in good hands to take their benchmark on this day.  My substitute is a retired teacher and has given many benchmarks in the past.)
  • November 11th- Veterans Day Ceremony

As always, you can view the Third Grade Tracks under “CLASSROOM News”.  You will find all of the skills and homework your child will be completing next week.

Thank you again for amazing conversation during our conferences! I hope they were as beneficial for you as they were for me.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Hidalgo

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