Third Grade Tracks, Dec. 5th-9th

Wow! This week has been full of lots of fun and excitement.  We began the week in research in the library with Mrs. Watts.  The students made some awesome Padlets about different countries.  This week we also got to celebrate Perfect Attendance with Lunch and a Video in the classroom. The students enjoyed Frosty the Snowman and conversation.  Our goal is to reach PERFECT ATTENDANCE faster the next time.  This one took us longer than 9-weeks to get.  Students earn this each day we have ALL students present!  The students also enjoyed “Hour of Coding” in the computer labs this week.  Be sure to ask them about what they were building!

This week was an honor for me as I was surprised with a very prestige award.  On Tuesday night, I was given the PTA Life Membership Award.  It was a great honor accepting this award and I know it is because of the awesome Huebner Community that I received this.  Thank you to all of you for making each day a great day to come to work.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend! Stay warm!


Mrs. Hidalgo

It's coding time!

It’s coding time!

We can get this figured out!

We can get this figured out!

hour-of-code-3 hour-of-code-4award-pic hidalgo


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