Third Grade Tracks, October 26th

Good morning!  What a busy week we have had in 3rd grade…. we have finished up our Fractions unit in Math, learned about the Mayflower, and we got to visit the Science Lab to observe matter in different forms.  Unfortunately, the bike rodeo was canceled but the good news, there will be a reschedule for it!

Thank you to those of you who attended the field trip!  It couldn’t have gone as smooth as it did without your help and support.  To the parents who ran the stations, to those that walked the groups to each station, we had an amazing fun time!  I will try and post some pictures soon of the fun we had!

Here are some things to remember in the upcoming week:

  • Report cards come home today! You only need to return the envelope, signed.
  • Parent-Teacher conferences are Nov. 3rd and 4th.  If you haven’t already, please sign up for a time to come and discuss the “glows and grows” for your child.
  • November 10th, Huebner Day of Play!  More information coming soon.

Please visit the Third Grade Tracks, under classroom news for more information on upcoming events!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend!  It sounds like a weekend to stay inside!


Mrs. Hidalgo

1 Comment

  1. Parents- I just heard, the Bike Rodeo will be rescheduled for the spring time. When I know the date, I will let you know also!


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