Third Grade Tracks, Nov. 30th

Good morning!  It is hard to believe our Thanksgiving holiday is upon us.  The 2nd 9-weeks is flying by!  It has been an awesome week learning about equal groups, studying our multiplication facts, writing about personal experiences, and looking at how energy produces...

Third Grade Tracks, Nov. 16th

Good Morning, I hope that you have had a wonderful week!  It was another busy one for us! Day of Play was on Tuesday!  Thank you to those who took the time out of your busy schedule to come out and join in a night of play.  I think everyone enjoyed themselves!...

Third Grade Tracks, November 9th

Good morning Parents, the Third Grade Tracks is ready to view under classroom news!  Wow, what a fast and furious week but with some amazing conversation! Thank you to all of you for coming out and sharing your time with me so we could discuss all of the Glows your...