Third Grade Tracks, Jan. 11th

Happy 2016!  Wow, it is hard to believe we have finished our first week of the 2nd semester.  It has been great busy, fun-filled week getting back into the routine of our day!

Here are a few reminders/happenings coming up:

  • BINDERS will not go home this week!  Students will bring their report card home, please return their envelope as soon as you can.
  • GOAL SETTING:  we will be working on setting some goals this 9-weeks.  If you have time, sit down after looking at the report card and see what kind of goals your child might want to set, and  how they might achieve these goals.  (goals could be academic, social, or other personal goals related to school)
  • We are in need of some school supplies:  if you are willing to donate, we need the following; low-odor dry erase markers, glue sticks, and pencils.  Please ask your child if they are in need of anything else.
  • Remember, the weather is changing, please be sure your child comes to school ready to go outside to recess each day, warm or cold weather wear.

Some dates to be watching for:

  • February 23rd, 24th are Student-led conferences; your child will be sharing and leading this conference
  • March 31st- Natural Bridge Caverns field trip.  I do not know if chaperones will be needed but as soon as I know, I will send out information.

Have a wonderful weekend!  As always, click on Classroom News to read the Third Grade Tracks for next week!

Mrs. Hidalgo


1 Comment

  1. Thank you for sending the information.
    Maryann’s Mom.


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