Third Grade Tracks, February 1st

Wow, it is hard to believe that January has come and gone! I guess, when you are out 1-week you lose track of time.  I am not 100% yet, however, it has been nice being back in the classroom and a routine of sorts.

Give yourselves and your children a big pat on the back! I was very excited that we were 100% in attendance for the Math Benchmark on Thursday.  Hoping that Friday our Reading Benchmark will have the same results.  It was so exciting to watch the students work and use their RUMOR and reading strategies throughout the test.  Thank you to all of you for helping prepare them for the endurance of the math and reading benchmarks.

Here is what is coming up in the next few weeks:

  • 3-week Progress Reports will go home Feb. 5th; please look at your child’s work and binder this weekend to fix any grades below a 70
  • Information went home on DENTAL screening; next Friday, Feb. 5th is our screening day; if you DO NOT wish for your child to be screened, please return the form signed as soon as possible.
  • Feb. 9th- Class Pictures
  • Feb. 12th- Early Dismissal
  • Valentine exchange information is coming home in their backpacks today (you can also find a copy of the letter under CLASSROOM NEWS).  REMEMBER:  we are not having a VALENTINE party but will exchange cards only.  Mrs. Pierce will be sending out more information on that in her e-blast!
  • Reading Homework has begun and will continue throughout the spring semester.  Students will bring home a passage to read, use strategies, and answer comprehension questions.  The more they practice, the better they get!
  • Early Dismissal, Student-led conferences are just around the corner.  I will send  out a sign-up Genius soon!  Conferences are Feb. 23rd & 24th.  We will have 3-4 student conferences at one time.  REMEMBER when signing up, your child attends this conference with you.

I hope everyone has a beautiful, sun shiny weekend!  Relax and enjoy your family!



Mrs. Hidalgo



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