Third Grade Tracks, March 28th

Welcome back to the last 9-weeks of your child’s 3rd grade year!  It has been a fast and furious, fun-filled week.  I am so proud of everyone and the hard work they have shown this week.  We have been learning about personal finance and economics.  I am amazed how much the students understand supply and demand, making an income, saving and spending.  They are really fired up and ready to learn these important personal finance situations.  It’s a lot of information but with “Go Noodle”, we have been able to give our brains a break every so often.

Here are some upcoming dates and events to remember:

  • Report Cards go home March 24th.  Don’t forget to sign and return the envelope
  • March 31st- Field Trip, information will come home early next week to inform you of what your child will need. NOTE:  every child will carry a backpack with their lunch and activities to use during the field trip
  • April 6th-  Bike Rodeo
  • April 9th- Fiesta 5k Fun Run, click on the link found in the SMORE

Click on Classroom News to find out the skills for the week of March 28th, Habit of the Week, and upcoming homework.  Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any further questions.

Enjoy the 3-day weekend!

Mrs. Hidalgo

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