Third Grade Tracks, April 11th

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  This was  a great first 3 days of STAAR Academy.  We are having fun and at the same time learning.  It has been a joy watching the students identify problems and solutions. Thank you for sharing your children with me each and everyday!

This has been a fun-filled, busy week!  We started each day with STAAR academy at 7 a.m.  We enjoyed watching the kinder students perform a wonderful program, went through the asthma obstacle and learned about the symptoms that bring on asthma attacks, and our last exciting task this week was the bike rodeo.  I think this was the first year I had 1/2 of my class participating.  They had fun riding bikes, while the others cheered them on!

Here is what is coming up:

  • STAAR Academy-  Monday thru Thursday, 7:00 a.m., students must arrive before 7:10 to join us
  • Huebner’s first Fiesta fun-run is posted for this Saturday- hope you and your family can join us.  I will be unable to join, but I did support the run as a “sleep walker”.
  • Author Jeff Mack visits us Tuesday @ 1:00, the students enjoyed visiting his website and seeing all the great books he has written and illustrated.

Go visit the SMORE under “classroom news” for other pertinent information!  I hope everyone has a fun-filled weekend, with relaxation time and family.


Mrs. Hidalgo

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