Leaving Third Grade, Off to Fourth They Go!

Can you believe it, we are in the last 3 days of 3rd grade?!  This year has come and gone with so many wonderful memories.  Again, I thank you for all of the support and encouragement you gave each of your children as they continued to grow and conquer all of the...

Third Grade Tracks, May 23rd-27th

Nine days of school left! That is what I keep hearing from my students.  They are keeping me up on it but, WOW, I can’t believe it.  Where has the time gone!  I am very proud and excited to send each of these kiddos on to Fourth Grade. I know they will continue...

Third Grade Tracks, May 16th-20th

WE DID IT!!!  We survived the 2 days of testing and did it with a lot of positive, hard-working strategies. Thank you again to all of you for helping prepare your child for Math and Reading STAAR.  With our team-work, I know that your child gave their ALL and did the...

Third Grade Tracks, May 9th-13th

The time has come and we are ready to rock the STAAR!  I am so proud of all the students and their hard-work and effort in learning to use strategies and do their 100%.  I know Monday and Tuesday will reflect the hard-work they have done.  Thank you again for taking...