Third Grade Tracks, May 9th-13th

The time has come and we are ready to rock the STAAR!  I am so proud of all the students and their hard-work and effort in learning to use strategies and do their 100%.  I know Monday and Tuesday will reflect the hard-work they have done.  Thank you again for taking the time and effort to help your child see the importance of working hard.  I know they will continue to do this as they enter 4th grade next year!

I want to give a big shout out and THANK-YOU to you and your child!  This week has been full of so many surprises each day.  The kids were excited every morning to enter the classroom and share so many great treats and gifts with me.  It truly is a joy to come to work each morning and know that we are going to have fun, work hard, and share many new 3rd grade memories.  Thank you for the great week, I truly appreciate each of you and your children!

Here are a few reminders for the upcoming weeks:

  • Sunday evening- please ensure your child gets a good night’s rest and eats a healthy breakfast on Monday and Tuesday morning!
    • Backpacks will not come into the classroom.  Students will only bring their lunch boxes or any notes for me into the classroom these two days.
    • No snacks are needed Monday or Tuesday!
    • It is important that your child is here on-time Monday and Tuesday. We will begin reading directions by 7:45 each morning.
    • I will not have access to emails until after 1:00 p.m.  Please contact the office if there is any change in how  your child goes home.
  • Luv to Swim permission slips- they went home today.  It is important those are returned as soon as possible.
  • Market Day- be working on your product, May 26th will approach quickly!  Note:  we have changed the charity, we will be donating all of our earnings to Jaxon’s Frog Foundation.
  • Six-week Progress Reports will come home on May 13th.  Continue to return and redo papers so we will ensure all grades are complete by the end of the 4th  9-weeks.

Go to Classroom News to read more information on upcoming events at Huebner!

Relax and enjoy your weekend!  Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mom’s out there!  Wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.


Mrs. Hidalgo

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