Leaving Third Grade, Off to Fourth They Go!

Can you believe it, we are in the last 3 days of 3rd grade?!  This year has come and gone with so many wonderful memories.  Again, I thank you for all of the support and encouragement you gave each of your children as they continued to grow and conquer all of the skill in 3rd grade. I know they are going to blossom and  bloom into some amazing 4th graders!  I can’t wait to see them in the halls of Huebner next year!

You can view the SMORE for some great reading ideas for the summer, click on Classroom News, Third Grade Tracks!  Along with reading, be sure to practice those basic multiplication and division facts!

I hope to see many of you at our, “Staying Cool at the End of School Party”.  Those who RSVP’d, will have raptors ready for you. If you returned your raptor today or plan to come and didn’t return it, it may take you  little longer to get in, as they will have to run your raptors.  

  • Room parents can begin to check-in at 12:30 but will not come to the classrooms until 1:00
  • All other guests can  begin to check-in at 1:00 but will not come to the classroom until 1:30
  • Those parents attending may sign their child out at 2:15.

Market Day was a huge success and we were able to present a check to the Jaxon’s Frog Foundation for, $2,172.02.  Amazing work done by our students on Market day and selling some great products!  Thank you for all the support you provided your child.


Mrs. Hidalgo

Market Day Success! Frog4 HID4 HID5 HID11


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