Third Grade Tracks, October 24th-28th

Amazing, the end of the 1st 9-weeks has come!  I am so excited for the hard-work every child is doing in my classroom.  It has been a joy to watch each of them shine in their own way and style!  Thank you for sharing your child with me.

Here are some events and activities the week of the 24th-28th:

  • RED RIBBON WEEK- October 24th-28th
    • Monday:  “Don’t Get Tied Up in Drugs and Bullying!”- Wear a neck tie or a bow tie to school
      • Since it is Field Trip Day, please have your child wear their tie Tuesday
    • Tuesday:  “I’m Dreaming of Being Drug and Bully Free!”
      • Wear your pajamas to school
    • Wednesday:  “Hair’s to a Drug and Bully Free Life!”
      • Wear your craziest hair style to school
    • Thursday:  “It’s Totally Rad to Be Drug and Bully Free!”
      • Wear your most righteous 80’s outfit so school (Mrs. Hidalgo is excited about this one)
    • Friday:  “Turn Your Back on Drugs and Bullying!”
      • Wear your Husky spirit shirt backwards to school
  • Report Cards come home today with your child. Please remove all papers/rewards from envelope, sign and return the envelope to school with your child
  • Field Trip is Monday- a note will come home with your child today on what they will bring
    • Students should have a back-pack, sack lunch, and 1-2 water bottles
    • They can wear their Huebner Shirt and tennis shoes or other hiking type shoes should be worn
    • Thank you to the volunteers who will be attending! This field trip could not happen without our volunteers.  I will have your raptor badges at Honey Creek.
  • BOOK-IT- this week your child came home with information on the reading program; incentives will be given if your child meets their monthly goal of 400 minutes!  Weekly Goals will also be done for those students who actively use their reading log.  REMEMBER:  istation can also count as reading time!
  • If you haven’t already please sign-up for the November parent-teacher conferences, .  Those who haven’t signed up by Monday, October 24th, I will be assigning a time to you.  MY GOAL:  100% participation!!!
  • As always, keep up-to-date with 3rd Grade News by reading the Third Grade Tracks, located under ClassroomNews on my webpage.

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend! I am enjoying it with a visit from my Mom, who will be here for a week, visiting from Iowa!  As always, if you have questions please contact me through email or phone.


Mrs. Hidalgo

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