Third Grade Tracks, October 31st-November 4th

What a fun, busy, and outgoing week we had at Huebner this week!  Our week began with a fun and exciting field trip to Honey Creek. Thank you to ALL of you who volunteered your time to make this trip a success.  The students had so much fun and learned a lot about nature.

I loved watching all the participation in Red Ribbon Week Also!  The students enjoyed Pajama day, mixed with tie day; then crazy hair day brought out a lot of fun in the students.  Today I think was my favorite, 80’s dress!  Wow, the students showed their totally rad dress!

This next week I look forward to meeting with each of you at our conferences!  I am very proud and excited to share all of the great things your child is doing in 3rd grade.  Don’t forget to click on Classroom News to view the Third Grade Tracks for next week! And as always, please contact me with any questions you may have.

Here are a photos of a fun-filled week:

Field Trip Fun!

Field Trip Fun!

Habitat Fun!

Habitat Fun!

Crazy Hair Day!

Crazy Hair Day!

Totally 80's!

Totally 80’s!

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