Third Grade Tracks, January 16th-20th

Wow, what a beginning to 2017!  I had a very relaxing and enjoyable holiday but was so ready to see all the smiling faces in my classroom.  We have rolled right into our 3rd 9-weeks and continue to laugh, share, and learn as a team.

This week we began our research on Natural Disasters!  Mrs. Watts invited us into the library for an entire day where we spent researching in books and through digital websites.  I was so proud of the entire class and how hard they worked on getting all of their information done.  This next week we will spend a 1/2 day in the library beginning to create their Natural Disaster informational boards.  The great thing, your child will be able to work on their board at home and school.  Be sure to ask them what they have learned about their disaster.

We have also delved into multiplying 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication.  Ask your child how to solve 36X4 using partial products or the algorithm.  They are working hard.  It is very important that they continue to work on their basic multiplication facts through 12X12.  This next week we will dig deeper into division.  I know they are going to get this.

At the end of January we will be taking our Reading and Math Benchmarks.  Here are a few things I am asking for the next couple of weeks:

  • Please try to avoid using homework passes for Math (students already know they can’t use homework passes on reading).  The homework coming home is going to help prepare them for the benchmarks on January 25th and 26th.
  • Remember to have your child pull-out their Math Rumor and Reading Strategies (in their binder) to use as they are working through their homework.  If they have misplaced them, you can click on Classroom News and download a copy.  Of course, don’t hesitate to let me know if you need help with this or have questions.
  • READ, READ, READ!  This past week at library check-out I told the students they needed at least one chapter book.  Although, I love the picture books to, they need to be reading books with “more meat” to build their stamina.

You can read the Third Grade Tracks under “classroom news”!  I am so excited to get this 2nd semester of 3rd grade underway!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Mrs. Hidalgo

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