Third Grade Tracks, May 1st-5th

Good evening! Wow, I feel like I have been on a vacation as I realized, here it is Sunday I never sent out a parent email for the Third Grade Tracks!  It is ready to view under Classroom News.

It was an awesome week in our classroom:

  • Monday STAAR Academy began!  I was amazed the amount of students each day and we had lots of fun learning.  A total of 18 students have come at least 1X this past week.  I hope at the end of this week I can say 100% have participated @ least 1 day.
  • Tuesday we had a busy day- it began with a visit from King El Rey Feo.  It was great to see what he is doing for students all around San Antonio.  Our day ended saying goodbye to Ms. Q.  She was an awesome asset to the classroom and will be missed!  Celebrating Ms. Q
  • Thursday we celebrated Poem in Your Pocket Day- the students and I practiced a poem titled Yellow Butter, by Mary Ann Hoberman. Hopefully the students came home and shared but if not, check out the video of us reciting the poem,  Poem in My Pocket

I hope you have a super week and as always, please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime with questions.


Mrs. Hidalgo

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