Third Grade Tracks, March 28th

Welcome back to the last 9-weeks of your child’s 3rd grade year!  It has been a fast and furious, fun-filled week.  I am so proud of everyone and the hard work they have shown this week.  We have been learning about personal finance and economics.  I am amazed...

Third Grade Tracks, March 21st

Good morning! Wow, we have made it, the 3rd 9-weeks is officially done today.  This 9-weeks we have worked hard, made some great goals, and shared with parents the great things we are doing.  Now it is on to the 4th 9-weeks!  After spring break, it will be time to hit...

Third Grade Tracks, March 7th-11th

We are one week away from the end of the 3rd 9-weeks!  I can’t believe how quickly time has gone.  This week the students have been excited to be logging reading minutes for the Iditaread.  If your child hasn’t talked to you about the Iditaread, be sure to...

Third Grade Tracks, Feb. 29th-Mar 4th

It is so hard to believe that we are entering the first week of March already!  What a week this was with Student-Led conferences, Early Dismissal, and a Writing Benchmark.  It has been a hard-working and rewarding week all-in-one. Thank you to all of you for...