Third Grade Tracks, February 22nd

Wow, what a fast a furious week, this 4-day week seems to be!    We have been busy learning about telling time, time intervals, and looking at elapsed time.  Be sure to have your child continually telling time on an analog clock and practicing time such as, “how...

Third Grade Tracks, February 15th

This week was busy with several new tasks on our agenda!   We spent our time, meeting and going over our benchmarks in small groups. The students have been excited to begin meeting with a small group and reading some fun stories.  On Thursday we went to the computer...

Third Grade Tracks, Feb. 8th

What a busy week we have had!  The students have been getting into small groups and reviewing their Math and Reading Benchmarks.  They are really seeing how important the strategies are for them to use.  We will be working weekly in small groups to reinforce the...

Third Grade Tracks, February 1st

Wow, it is hard to believe that January has come and gone! I guess, when you are out 1-week you lose track of time.  I am not 100% yet, however, it has been nice being back in the classroom and a routine of sorts. Give yourselves and your children a big pat on the...

Third Grade Tracks, Jan. 25th

Good Evening!  Wow, what a week this has been for me!  I feel very distant from what occurred in my classroom, yet I know I can share several things that did occur. Your child began the week back in the library building a multi-media board through Discovery Education...

Third Grade Tracks, January 18th

What a week we have had! We spent the week learning about the climate, landforms, and the Earth’s surface.  Tuesday we enjoyed 1/2 of our day in the library doing research on Natural Disasters.  Next week every student will have the opportunity to create an...

Third Grade Tracks, Jan. 11th

Happy 2016!  Wow, it is hard to believe we have finished our first week of the 2nd semester.  It has been great busy, fun-filled week getting back into the routine of our day! Here are a few reminders/happenings coming up: BINDERS will not go home this week!  Students...

Third Grade Tracks, January 4th

Happy Holidays!  Wishing you and your family a joyful, relaxing, memory filled holiday! It is hard to believe, that the end of the 1st semester is upon us.  Share in the joy and accomplishments your child has made over the past two 9-weeks.  They have worked hard,...

Third Grade Tracks, December 14th

Good morning!  Today the students are very eager for the end of the day.  Our Raising Cane’s celebration is finally here!  The students are very excited and ready to enjoy some chicken and fries.  They are feeling pretty special, 2 Friday’s in a row they...

Third Grade Tracks, Dec. 7th

Wow, December and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us!  Mrs. Hidalgo hasn’t posted in so long, I almost forgot about the blog:) I hope that you had a relaxing week of family time during the Thanksgiving break.  I enjoyed a visit from my sister...