Third Grade Tracks, Sept. 19th-23rd

Third Grade Tracks is ready for viewing! Click on “Classroom News” to see all of the exciting events coming up in the next week. Meanwhile, Thursday was International Dot Day!  Everyone loves to be part of the pictures and today we even had to create a...

Third Grade Tracks, Sept. 12th-16th

Another amazing week of hard-work and perseverance! The students went to the computer lab for the first time this week and logged in with much success. They worked hard and took their initial ISTATION test and can now begin to log-in from home.  More information...

Third Grade Tracks, Sept. 5th-9th

Week 2!  What another amazing, hard-working week by the entire class.  We reviewed 2-digit, and 3-digit addition and subtraction.  The students showed their amazing skills and worked hard on the review each day! They even realized that maybe a little practice on their...

Third Grade Tracks, August 29th-Sept. 2nd

What an amazing week!  I have enjoyed getting to know your kiddos and all the energy they bring to my classroom on a daily basis.  I can tell this is going to be a fun-filled year, with some amazing learning taking place!  This week we have spent building community...

Leaving Third Grade, Off to Fourth They Go!

Can you believe it, we are in the last 3 days of 3rd grade?!  This year has come and gone with so many wonderful memories.  Again, I thank you for all of the support and encouragement you gave each of your children as they continued to grow and conquer all of the...

Third Grade Tracks, May 23rd-27th

Nine days of school left! That is what I keep hearing from my students.  They are keeping me up on it but, WOW, I can’t believe it.  Where has the time gone!  I am very proud and excited to send each of these kiddos on to Fourth Grade. I know they will continue...