
The student’s binder and AGENDA will be carried between Mrs. Norman’s and homeroom.  The binder will come home each day.  The following items are inside the binder:

  • Graded work sorted by subject
  • Work to be corrected
  • Extra Paper
  • Pencil Pouch (2 pencils, highlighter, scissors, crayons, red pen)


  • Tests and assignments can be corrected to a maximum grade of 70.  Work must be corrected to receive the 70, if not corrected, grade remains as originally earned.  There will be a special tab in the binder where work to redo will be kept.
  • Late work will have a 5 point a day deduction, up to 20 points.
  • Work not turned in will result in a zero .  


  • Will be checked in class.
  • Will be recorded daily and kept in binder.
  • Students are required to read 4 nights per week.
  • ALL homework is due daily unless otherwise noted.

Report Cards and Progress Reports: 

  • There are four 9-week grading periods.
  • If failing or not meeting expectations, a progress report will be sent at the end of the 3rd week of each grading period.
  • All students will receive progress reports at the end of the 6th week of each grading period.
  • Check Parent Portal for daily averages and any missing assignments or grades below a 70.
    • 100-90= A
    • 89-80= B
    • 79-70= C
    • Below a 70= F

Goals and Conduct:

  • Students will set an academic, personal, and behavior goal each 9-week grading period.
  • Your child’s teacher may make a comment on your child’s agenda calendar when he/she is having difficulty completing homework/assignments and/or following classroom and school-wide rules.  More than 4 comments in a 9-week grading period may result in loss of participation in patrols or other leadership positions.  In addition the final 9-week conduct grade will be affected.
  • 9-week conduct grades will be determined as follows:
    • 0-4 marks= E
    • 5-8 marks= S
    • 9-11 marks= N
    • 12 or more = U